After a detailed analysis and interpretation of the evolution of the hospitality market, Ipotz Design Studio recognized the special needs and distinct requierements of this specific market.
As a result ‘Hotels By Ipotz’ was born and with her was also borned a new methodology based on an Integrated Management logic, this method includs: Planning, Organizing, Operating and Forecasting some constraints that may happen.
Our main goal is to successfuly deliver profitable and potencialized resources contributing to the success of the Hotel unit.
We offer creativity and uniqueness in everything we do: from the genesis of the project to its implementation, our team guarantees full suport to every client!

All-In-One Solution
Our Turnkey methodology borned to responding to specific needs inherent to the construction or remodeling of Hotel Units. Integrates Architecture, Interior Design, Product, Communication and Promotion.
This methodology guarantees a global view on reality, seeking through an integrated management, to respond to the expectations by interconnecting all areas involved in the Process, minimizing the means and resources to the maximum and providing unique experiences to customers.

Analysis and understanding of cutomer’s expectations.
Research of basic elements to develop an enterprise identity.
Schedule and Process Planning.
Definition of the Concept that will sustain the entire development of the proposal.
This stage involves the Preliminary Study, the Project for Implementation and Budget Estimation.

technical drawings
At this stage all the different areas of the project will fit in and cooperate between them.
We will give you all the technical guidance and support for project’s coordination.
Contract & FF&E
Contract & FF&E comprehends the Technical Development of Equipment, Furniture and Lighting, Prototyping and Budgeting, Supply, Assembly and After Sales Assistance.
Over the years Ipotz Design Studio have been building a renown carrer in the design market for always meeting the expectations of our partners by turning their expectations into solutions.