
The project of Globalkiln headquarters was commissioned by the owners and it was divided in three different approaches.

The main facade, the interiors – ground floor and first floor -, and the supply of furniture.

To the main façade, our biggest challenge was to create a new skin, that wraps up not only the main façade but also the two side facades. The intervention pretends to create a new transparent envelope, through vertical metal profiles, with different directions and alignments. This way we let the sun to enter the interiors, controlling the interior atmosphere, and creating a game of shadows in the exterior.

In the interior, it was our intention to create a fluid space, divided by MDF cabinets, with round corners – that allows to emphasize this illusion of fluid space – and with flat panels in one side and slat panels in the other side to create a different sense of texture. All the offices are created with big openings to the central corridor, giving us the perception that it is the cabinets that makes the space.

All the furniture, carpets and lightning were proposed to match the interior design, prevailing a choice of chromatic tones that merge with the design of the interior.


  • Figueira da Foz, Portugal


  • Finished - 2023


  • Architecture
  • Interior Design
  • Product Design